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How soon should I book my Removal company

furniture and personal belongings outside a house ready for removals
Moving blog

On average people book 4 - 6 weeks before their actual move

red circle on a calendar date

This seems to be the burning questions everyone wonders when planning a move. The simple and obvious truth is you should book your removal date as soon as possible. Indeed, like many industries the removal industry also has its busy periods. In fact, one of periods which is most busy is the month of August. However, as you can imagine most weekend dates are also very popular through the year.

Mid-season periods such as June or September or even October, November are easier dates in which to book your removal services. Furthermore, it is during this time that you will be able to take advantage of lower pricing. Not to mention that due to the lower work load on removal companies you should be able to secure the services of your first-choice company.  

In summary, we would always advise you to avoid the week-end and end of the month. reason being that this will open up your company choices and lower your fees.

But what if I can’t avoid busy periods for my move date?

furniture and personal belongings outside a house ready for removals

Reality is usually far removed from being able to book our moving dates on a low-season midweek date. In fact, most of us can’t choose our moving dates with such freedom because our rental contracts have fixed termination dates on them. Or our jobs won’t allow us to have days off. Whatever the reason it is not all lost. Indeed, here are some useful pointers on how to plan your removal so that your quote is as competitive as possible.

  • Start early with your inquiries.
  • Make a list of the items you want to move. (Inventory)
  • If possible, arrange for a pre-move consultation. (Home survey)
  • Try and arrange all of your packaging materials early. (Boxes, bubble wrap etc)
  • Find out about loading and unloading restrictions at either location and inform your removals company.
  • Prioritize your household items and see if there are any you can start to pack away early.
  • Make sure to prioritize any items that are fragile or of value. (economical or personal)
  • Search for at least 3 quotes and compare them on their merits. Not just the bottom line.

How can I book a removal Company if I don’t have a fixed date yet?

Don’t worry you are not the only one with this problem. Indeed, the thing to do here is to ask for a quote based on a provisional date. This way the removal company immediately is aware that your moving date might change.

But I need to move quickly.

Not a problem. Contact us as soon as possible and fill in our quotation form giving us your removal date. We will get back to you and let you know if we have availability.

Ready to Get Moved?

We want to hear from you because we want to help you. Contact us today and let us provide you with a GREAT removal quote.