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Removal Service

girl leaning on a box looking exausted
last minute removals

Don't Panic! We got you.

The reality is that there are so many reasons why we might have to move house quickly. Indeed, maybe we left it too late. Or, maybe our previous removal company let us down. Either way the reason is not important. Because what is important is that you get a removal company on board and ready to deliver.

The good news is there is a  solution to your problems. and it’s called having a plan. That is why we at Express Removal Service have come up with some sound advice on how to complete your quick move.

Get an action Plan by making a list

To start with have a look around you. this might sound obvious but make a list. Make a note and start to put aside the things you determine as important. Moreover, also look at the things you feel could either go into storage or maybe need to be recycled. In fact, think of ways and ideas of how you are going to lighten the load. This is your perfect opportunity to declutter your belongings.

Now, your action plan shouldn’t stop at the removal of items. You should also make a plan for contacting your utility companies, your local council, and friends and family.

Book your Removal Company

Start to search for reputable removal companies. Indeed, the time of year might help you out. If it’s November you are likely to find availability. However, should it be one of the summer months you might have a job on your hands! Either way, the solution is to pick up that phone send those emails and find your movers, pronto. (By the way dont forget to call Express Removal Service)

Contact us – 0788 416 0499

Start to pack

This sounds obvious. However, so many people leave the packing until the night before. Don’t be one of those people. By starting to pack early you will be removing such a weight of stress from your move. And yes, it might feel untidy as you accumulate some boxes in your home. However, you will pat yourself on the back as the deadline date of your move arrives. Indeed, the whole moving experience can be made to feel so much more in control with this simple technique. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

This is especially true for young families with children and pets. Ask family or friends to help out. Maybe they can babysit for a few hours leaving you the freedom to concentrate on packing. Indeed, you will be surprised at how people will come to help you.

Don’t Panic

Inevitably I know it’s easy for us to say. However, the truth is the worst thing you can do is panic. Indeed, the last-minute moving experience may feel busy and chaotic, but if you stick to your guns and follow your plan, you will be just fine.

Could problems occur? Yes absolutely. However, did you have contingency plans in place?

  • Rain
  • Movers are late
  • Traffic during the move
  • Van breaks down
  • Elevator stops working

These are all manageable. The one thing to always be aware of is that the key to success is all in the planning.

So, go ahead and start planning.

We hope to have been informative with our Blog. However, should you have any questions or need clarification please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Have a great Moving day!

Ready to Get Moved?

We want to hear from you because we want to help you. Contact us today and let us provide you with a GREAT removal quote.